Inner Pilgrim | Travel Guide to Your Soul

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Is it draining to be a Therapist and Coach? Might you get bored of listening to me?

Listening to other people’s problems, a behind-the-scenes perspective.

"You're listening to

People's problems

All the time...

Doesn't it drain you,

To be a coach and therapist?"

I get asked this question

Very regularly.

My answer?


For very specific reasons.

But mostly, It doesn't

Tire me at all.

Quite the opposite.

Why is that, dear fellow Inner Pilgrim?


When you talk to me

About your problems

Your pain

Your confusion

Your hurt,

I am listening.

But what I am aware of most

Is your spirit underneath,

Your desire for change,

Your quest for deeper happiness.

I see your soul

Shining through.

You know that song

From India Arie

"I see God in you"?

Being a Coach & Therapist

For me, feels like that.

I see

Your heart's desire

And the divine in you.

I am aware of

The person that's

Longing to come out

Into this world.

And I remind you

Of who you truly are,

Underneath all of the chaos.

I tease it out:

The creativity,

Hidden inside an

Overwhelmed mother.

The gentle kindness,

Trapped below

The burnout

Of a manager.

Watching your true nature

Gaining solid ground

Is the most energising

Most heartfelt,

Joyous wonder

And the biggest gift

My clients give me.

So is my job




Absolutely not.

Because even though

I listen to every word

Of your problems

And your pain...

All along

I continue to see

Who you truly are:

A treasure

Going through

An alchemical process

Of turning lead into gold.

With love, Karin