Two invitations from Covid19: Demons & Regrets

Universal-Pause or More-Busy-Than-Ever, these are inescapable reflections while in quarantine.


While celebrating my birthday in lockdown, I reflected on the demons we're all facing and the potential of regretting not making the most of quarantine.


I recently turned 42, and each year I arrange something on my birthday for my fellow Inner Pilgrim's, but this time it felt difficult to come up with something pure. Most of my ideas could so easily be experienced as making commercial gain out of the current world situation.

Yet these two reflections from my own life that continue to pop into my mind in relation to the coronavirus felt sincere, and I'm sharing them here with you, as a gift. Regardless if you have less time for yourself than ever, or if this whole situation feels like a big universal pause for you: may my own Inner Journey of demons and regrets be of benefit to you.

When you’re at the early phases of the Change Curve, you’ll recognise what I mean by our demons being magnified. And when you’re reaching the acceptance phase of the Change Curve, the search for meaning will really resonate with you. Clearly, this curve is not a tidy linear process, we tumble up and down through the curve until we find a place of inner stillness.


And lastly, be gentle with yourself. Do your best, that’s more than enough. Let kindness do it’s magic.

And here’s the link once more to my previous blog, about why we all have a different response to the coronavirus, and how to develop compassion and improve the dialogue with those around us.

With love,

