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questions about Your coaching journey

+ How will you help me?

During our free Discovery Call I will be able to fully answer this question. But to give you an indication, I have completed thousands and thousands of sessions with people from all walks of life. What they had in common was a genuine wish to understand themselves better, to be kinder to themselves and others and to contribute something meaningful to this world.

+ How often do we have a session?

Ideally weekly, especially at the beginning (unless one of us is on holiday). And minimum once-a-fortnight, as less than that feels like heating a stew with a match, it’s hard to get the momentum for true transformation to take place.

+ Are the sessions online or face-to-face?

All sessions take place online. However, I do love meeting my clients face-to-face, so whenever we have an opportunity to meet in person I'd be open for this possibility.

+ How long will it take me to complete the online course?

Each online course has an estimated time indication mentioned on the course page. It depends on your preference, some people can devote more time and do it faster, while others prefer to take it slow. You can decide your own pace as all course material is available for download, yours for life.

+ What if I don't know which course suits me best, if any, or for how long to work together, but I would definitely like to work with you?

Good point. Let’s schedule a free Discovery Call together and find out what’s the best way forward.

+ What if I'm not ready?

Are we ever? I have been on your side of this relationship and know how brave it is to reach out. You are in charge at all times and as they say, often the fear is worse than the thing itself. Needless to say I am a highly skilled professional with my heart in the right place and I'll hold you safe at all times.

+ What if I start digging into my inner world and things come up that scare me, that I am not ready for, or that are going to turn my current life upside down?

This one is a common worry. It's partly a genuine fear as inconvenient stuff is going to come to the surface, almost guaranteed. But it's like a spring clean; once you're free of the old, unnecessary stuff you'll feel so much lighter and there will be space for the new.

+ How will my life change as a result of working with you?

Good question. My motivation is to contribute to your happiness, whatever that looks like for you.

Imagine a sense of peace inside of you, a clarity of direction both personally and professionally, and an unwavering resilience whatever life throws your way.

Going on an Inner Journey together will reconnect you with what matters most. And by giving this time and space to yourself, you can be truly present again for those you love, radiating your new-found joy for the benefit of all.


questions about karin’s coaching style and background

+ What are your qualifications and experience?

I qualified as a Life & Career Coach in 2008 and have since run a full private practise in the City of London. My Counselling & Psychotherapy qualification is based on five years of study, being in weekly therapy myself throughout the duration of the course and uncountable hours of charity work to establish myself in the field, among others at London’s biggest male prison HMP Wormwood Scrubs and NHS Community Mental Health. My training was in Transpersonal Humanistic-Integrative Psychotherapy, based on the belief that all human suffering is indicating the way for us to change, grow and unfold.

As an Executive Coach I elevate personal and professional leadership, increase self-awareness and guide people to feel more at ease, confident and fulfilled at work.

I am regularly featured in the media, for example in Psychologies Magazine, FlashPack, Royal Television Society and In the Moment Magazine.

+ In which languages do you work?

Coaching sessions are available in Dutch and English.

+ What is your background?

After my university studies in Amsterdam I worked for over a decade at Heineken in Sales & Marketing. After a stressful period at work I realised I was not being true to my own values and decided to quit and travel for a year in India and Nepal.

The business skills I acquired at Heineken have brought immense value to setting up my own business (I actually won the Best Entrepreneur Award from the Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands) and clients tell me they appreciate my understanding of the corporate culture.

+ What is your coaching approach and style?

My clients tell me I radiate calm with an inner stillness and contentment that they are wishing to find for themselves. They tell me I am kind, and that they don’t feel judged by me.

And to my own surprise, I keep on hearing that my voice is so soothing :)

The fact that I have a corporate background, combined with my experience of the spiritual Eastern traditions brings a combination of practical solutions and soulful depth to the work, which my clients really value.

Buddhism has been instrumental in my own journey, and compassion, loving-kindness and wisdom are at the heart of my work.

+ What is the next step?

If you are longing for more meaning, more depth and more ease and like to explore embarking on an Inner Journey together, I'd love to hear from you. Leave your details here, and I will get in touch for a free Discovery Call.