Posts in Meaningful Living
Why do Buddhists meditate? And how to do it for yourself during solitary silent retreat.
When we feel the love, .... (fill in the dots) happens. What would you do if you did not need to do it for the money / responsabilities / expectations of others?
When you are feeling tired or generally uninspired, this gentle technique helps you connect with a postive path ahead.
It can be so confusing to witness a spiritual teacher criticize his or her assistant. To hear a yoga teacher gossip. To hear about abuse in religious communities. These people should know better, no?
Our minds are not meant to be switched on all the time. Are you suffering from attention fatigue? Discover why ‘soft fascination’ is the answer.
About the moments we grief. Lost somehow, longing to find our way home. I am writing about the opposite of loss too: Recovery. A homecoming.
Resolving unfinished business is like a spring clean for the soul. Like a Marie Kondo for the heart, you might know her, the Japanse decluttering lady.
How to not let your September Post-Holiday Blues get the best of you and enjoy flow and ease throughout autumn.
If happiness isn’t about getting what we want, nor to be found out there , how to master the art of being content?
Who inspires you to unfold, grow and develop? Who lifts you up to expand beyond your imagination? So you in turn, can do the same?
There was this woman who overstayed her visa in Nepal and lived on milk powder. I wanted to help, but it didn't work. And then a Buddhist meditation teacher gave me this advice...
Life decides when death will come. Hopes and fears get scattered in equal measure. So how about letting go of trying to control our life?
Meeting Victor made me ponder. Is it better not to know? Or is self-awareness the key to happiness?
How to find happiness instead of pleasure. And why the difference matters.