The secret of happy people
Nuggets of timeless wisdom below.
Happy people don't necessarily
Have easy lives.
But happy people are good
At inner calm
Regardless of what's happening.
They practice the art of contentment,
Whatever arises.
We tend to think:
"Once I am slim
I’ll feel happy".
"Once I find a partner
I’ll feel happy".
"Once my child is older
I’ll feel happy".
"Once I moved house
I’ll feel happy".
I’m really sorry,
To burst the bubble
But that’s just a story
We tell ourselves.
Happiness doesn’t equal
A life without storms or waves.
Happiness isn’t
About getting what we want.
If we are lucky, our wishes come true,
But inevitably
There will be downsides
To what we thought would solve it all:
The new house has noisy neighbours,
The desired baby keeps us awake,
The longed for partner
Isn’t as attentive as we’d hoped.
We all know that
True happiness is not ‘out there’.
So, I hear you wonder, then what
Is the secret to happiness?
If we are lucky, our wishes come true,
But inevitably
There will be downsides
To what we thought would solve it all:
The new house has noisy neighbours,
The desired baby keeps us awake,
The longed for partner
Isn’t as attentive as we’d hoped.
We all know that
True happiness is not ‘out there’.
So, I hear you wonder, then what
Is the secret to happiness?
Happy people’s lives
Aren’t 100% wonderful.
Their ocean isn’t always serene.
It's in the nature of the ocean
To have waves.
But if we focus on the waves
We forget about the ocean.
The waves come and go.
Stormy wave,
Tiny ripple,
Just movements in the vast sea.
Happiness isn't
The presence of a tranquil sea.
Suffering is a part of life,
It will always show it’s roaring head.
So don't postpone happiness
Until your ocean is tranquil
And your skies only blue.
They might be bright blue
For a little while,
Yet inevitably, that will change.
When we identify with the wave
We forget about the ocean.
The thought is just a wave.
Like a cloud in the sky.
Sometimes a thunder cloud
Sometimes pretty pink fluff
But either way, just a cloud.
We're not the cloud.
We're like the vast and endless sky.
Someone we love has cancer.
Fluffy cloud;
Sister got a wonderful boyfriend.
We just lost our job.
Fluffy cloud;
A compliment from a client.
Life has many different clouds.
Happiness is watching them
Without being disturbed.
Yes, when a lovely cloud appears,
Enjoy, embrace, dance ❤️
But it’s in their nature
To disappear again.
So when they go,
Let go with grace.
Meditation help us practice
This skill of equanimity.
We train to watch our thoughts,
Without judgement,
Unfold and disappear.
Coming and going.
Realising that we
Are not our thoughts,
We are the one who watches.
Just like we are not the clouds,
We are like the infinite sky.
And we are not the waves,
We are like the endless sea.
Train yourself to be one with the sky
To rest your mind in the spacious ocean
Don't be the thought,
But watch it.
And you'll no longer be disturbed.
True, lasting happiness
Is right there.
With inner calm,
I've recorded several meditations
From the bottom of my heart.
Please enjoy them here.
(And it continues to amaze me
How often people tell me
They love my voice ;)
And if you like to learn "Calm Abiding",
Best to point you to
One of the meditation masters himself,
Mingyur Rinpoche, via this YouTube video.
“Dear Karin,
Thank you - that was the breath of fresh air needed this morning.
Bless you x”
“Really nice one. I like the way you explain the clouds, happiness, and how meditation helps with that.”
“Thank you! I really enjoyed tis message.
I will have a look at the links.
Wishing you very happy, safe and well.”
“I am a yoga teacher, and will read this at the end of one of my classes to inspire my students, thank you so much.”
“What a beautiful message! Clear, loving, eloquent and precise, I’m enjoying every bit of it. Loving regards from London.”