My mum: she gave me roots and wings.
I felt like sharing stories with you about my mum.
She turns 75 today.
Maybe you don't have
A mother anymore.
Maybe she died,
Isn't in your life anymore.
Is terribly difficult
To have a healthy relationship with.
Maybe she is judgemental,
Addicted, mentally unwell.
Maybe she gave you up for adoption,
Is ill or dying.
Maybe you've never met her.
Maybe you have more than one mum.
Maybe you've got two dad's.
All versions are welcome.
Anyone alive today
Was at some point born,
Anyone born had a mother,
One way or another.
Our mums gave us our life.
Mine gave me roots too. And wings.
“Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child.”
I'm going to tell you about her,
If you'd like to know, read on:
She raised four girls
Lost a son
Searches for sovereignty
Healed from stage four cancer
Listens to those who need care.
She was a social worker before my birth
She listented to young girls who
Were considering an abortion
To check if it was truly their own choice.
She was raised on a farm with cows
Was the eldest girl in a family of 11.
My mum.
Yes I too had struggles with her.
Yes I too blamed her for many things.
Yes I too need my own space,
After being around her for a while
(I'm sure that's mutual, lol).
But she's my mum.
I wouldn't be who I am
If it wasn't for her.
Seeing her go through cancer
A couple of years ago.
Was, besides scary and challenging,
Also a very precious experience.
She was so serene, so peaceful
So... happy... I'd almost say.
In pain too, tired and ill.
But despite of all that;
People walked into her hospital room
And they fely scared and distressed.
Yet walked out feeling
A hundred kilo lighter.
Just because of how she was.
She was so inspirational,
Her spirit unbelievably at ease.
I am still so proud of her for that.
I'd sign for being like her,
When misfortune comes my way.
Sunday it was Mother's Day
In The Netherlands.
I felt like celebrating her.
Thanking her
For what she means to me.
She reads all my newsletters,
She and dad my biggest fans.
May you feel love
In your heart dear fellow Inner Pilgrim,
For your own mother.
They may exasperate us.
Like we infuriate them.
We never know
For how long they'll be around,
Or when our own death comes.
And even if your mother
Is not physically present anymore,
Healing is always possible.
Don't take anything for granted.
What is precious
Deserves space.
With love as always,
“Lovely words. I lost my mum around eight years ago. I feel she is with me.”
“I always enjoy the kind and warm words in your posts. Today I was especially moved by reading this, since it´s my mother´s birthday, and she passed away two and a half years ago.
It´s beautiful what you’ve written about your mum, I’m glad you can enjoy her and share your love.
I would like to celebrate all mothers.”
“This is lovely Karin! Thank you for reminding me.”