Five mindful ways to elevate your ‘Post-Holiday September Blues’.
How to not let your ‘missing summer anxiety’ get the best of you, and enjoy more flow and ease throughout the Autumn months.
How did this happen? I blinked my eyes and it’s already September. This is the time psychologists call ‘autumn anxiety’. Let’s look at how to elevate your mood throughout September, and beyond.
After a more relaxed and care-free summer, many of us start reflecting and feel a bit restless or down. And whichever hemisphere you live on, September is a turning point for all of us, like the start of a new year. Is that Sunday evening back to school feeling familiar to you, felt deeply when September begins?
This time of the year is often perceived as a moment to measure how well we did so far this year. And it gets us stressed, as we somehow have to catch up with our goals before the year ends. The September Blues brings up a lot of judgemental thoughts for many of us:
How on earth did time go so fast? What did I do this year? Did I get anywhere with my goals? How can I catch up in the few months before the end of the year? Bascially, lots of self-criticism, “I should have’s” and “not-being-good-enough” thoughts.
Here’s a spiritual approach on how best to reflect on the past eight months and move into the “post holidays - back to school / work / study” routine with higher spirits and more peace of mind.
I share five kind and empowering spiritual ways with you to feel better about how far you’ve come, and how to make the most of the rest of the year without it becoming a goal-setting exercise we’re bound to fail, as life usually has other plans for us anyway :)
Five kind and inspiring ways to feel better about what you've accomplished so far, and make the most the rest of the year. Well, of your entire life really.
How to Master Your September Blues & End of Summer Anxiety
Practise Self-Kindness
Don't beat yourself up for not getting as far as you'd hoped. Trying to bring about change from a place of negative judgement is much more difficult than embracing and loving yourself where you are at, and gently encouraging yourself to try something different. Imagine a dog in its kennel who wants to play outside but has been beaten before. Do you honestly think it'll come out when being shouted at? It's the same with yourself. When you are scarred from previous experiences, the last thing you need is the voice of an internal bully. You need a kind, nurturing, supportive nudge and before you know it, you’ll forget about having been in a dark place at all because you’re so busy enjoying life.
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is not complete”
- The Buddha
Look at how have you grown as a person
Measure your 'success' not in external results, but in how you've grown as a person. Maybe you did not finish the decluttering of your home, or managed to take a step up the career ladder. But you might have become more kind to yourself and others. Or less argumentative, and more patient. In the end, it's the development of your inner being that matters most.
Create Your own unique personal mantra of encouragement
Create a personal mantra to remind you of what matters most. Ideally, a mantra is an "I statement", formulated in a positive way. For example if you struggle with feeling that everything is your fault, try something like "I did my best and my heart has a good intention". Or if you're single and long to find a partner, instead of having your goal as 'dating as many people as possible', why not take a deep breath each morning and whisper to yourself "I am good enough" or "I, like everyone else, am worthy of love". Other great ones are "I dare to speak my truth", or if you want to lose weight, instead of criticizing your looks, use the mantra "My body is sacred''. Go and have fun creating your own personal mantra to lift your spirit.
“We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.”
Remember your why
In order to begin and persist with joyous effort, especially when the going gets tough, it helps to remind yourself of your deeper reason for doing it in the first place. In our Western society, we have the tendency to focus on ‘achieving goals’, and instead I am inviting you to connect with your deeper intention. What state of being would you like to experience? Recognise that your deeper motivation can be accomplished, independent of your reaching your goals. And how about widening your intention to benefit not just yourself, but also your loved ones and the world. In this way, you’ll find it so much easier to set out on your path and stay on course.
Take it one step at a time
Break down your goal down into smaller steps. It’s easier to feel overwhelmed and discouraged if your aim feels too far out of reach. It's good to dream big, but make it simpler for yourself by defining milestones along the way. Celebrating these small achievements will increase your confidence and it keeps the journey a joyous one!
Karin Peeters In the Media
Magazine Article: This is how to beat the post-summer blues.
On a similar note, I was interviewed by the talented journalist Deb Waters for Woman & Home Magazine for a two page spread on the post-holiday blues. We spoke about the physical and emotional reasons why many of us feel low after summer and summer holidays. I shared ways to cope with that feeling of 'meh' as autumn and winter approach, and the article is full of ideas how you can use the colder months to your advantage!
Enjoy reading and may it help you avoid getting stressed because you feel you somehow have to catch up with your goals before the year ends. This is a truly inspiring read, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
May these mindful September Reflections bring a sense of accomplishment, joyous effort and fulfilment so you can ride that autumn energy with flair!
Much love, Karin xx
Curious about working with me to feel a little lighter as you travel through life:
PS. And why did I chose deer as the images for this post on September Blues?
Deer are very spiritual animals, and spotting one is considered a good omen. Deer represent the power to deal with challenges with grace. Watching them, you can feel their gentleness, unconditional love, alertness and grace. Connecting with deer as your totem animal, you harness the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach, which felt suitable to this post. A union between the masculine art of goal setting, and the feminine art of surrender and trust things will unfold in their own mysterious ways. Deer combine both soft, gentle qualities with strength and determination.