The wisdom of chocolate sprinkles...
Release the rules that no longer serve you.
Which rules are you following
That no longer serve you?
Which thoughts do you believe,
While they hold no solid ground?
Are you driving
While holding the handbrake?
Moving forwards
But slowing your own progress?
Thinking it's saver that way?
Which rules are you following
That no longer serve you?
Which thoughts do you believe,
While they hold no solid ground?
We've all got a little 'bible'
In our heads
Made up by guidelines
Of how we're supposed to behave.
One of my childhood rules used to be
"First finish your homework,
Then you can play".
In itself intelligent advice
But what if, as an adult,
The list of "homework" never ends?
Leaving zero time to rest, and play?
The rule came in many disguises:
"First the children's news on TV,
Then watch something you like".
"Cheese on your first sandwich,
Then you're allowed something sweet".
(I usually went for chocolate sprinkles).
Sensible advice of caring parents.
But what happens when we keep
These well-meant guidelines
As fixed rules when we grow up?
What if
We follow them on auto-pilot
While they are
No longer serving us?
I had to learn to ignore
The list of chores to take a pause,
And simply enjoy the moment.
This is an invitation to find
The unhelpful rules in your own life.
They sound something like:
"Your feelings don't count".
"Don't upset dad".
"Mummy is the only one
Who's allowed to get angry".
"Be strong".
"Please others".
Unspoken rules,
Running the show.
Which ones are useful,
And would be good to keep?
Which ones can do
With a little update?
And which are restrictive
And need to be completely deleted?
Release the old instructions,
Re-decide the rulebook.
Make your own.
Let your inner child
Come out and play...
Have dessert for breakfast
Speak up
Know you are enough
Wear a red dress to the office
Eat ice-cream when it's raining
Sing, dance, create, feel
Be unapologetically yourself.
Sod the rules of others
Release those old limiting beliefs
Make your own choices and
Follow what makes you happy.
This is your life.
It's precious,
Live it true.
With love,
“Very moving”