"Dog Ball Thrower Thingy"
How to ‘catch’ your thoughts and why this leads to a less judgemental, more peaceful state of mind. Plus AN interesting summer coaching offer for you.
Once I was on a beach
Fresh out of a meditation retreat
And I remember thinking
"Gosh I learned so much about myself,
I really am more calm now, kinder too".
And then in the corner of my eye
I saw someone with a weird device:
Blue, plastic, quite long.
The man used it to pick up
A tennis ball from the sand
And launched the ball, far away,
For his dog to fetch.
My mind did a jump
"Pfff how lazy
Can't people just bend down,
What a useless invention!".
And then I caught myself.
My awareness noticed that thought
And realised how judgemental it was.
It shocked me a little...
Just out of retreat,
I thought my mind would be softer
But old habits die hard.
“A wise man changes his mind.” - Immanuel Kant
This 'catching' of our thoughts
Is the first phase of transformation.
We need to be aware of something
In order to be able to change it.
Then comes the wanting to change
Followed by knowing how to change
(That's where coaching comes in handy).
Back to that beach
With the "dog ball thrower thingy".
I let my mind become more spacious:
Thinking "this man might have back ache,
How wonderful he can still
Throw ball with his dog".
And "that ball must be so slimy,
How great not to have to touch it".
Also "I never owned a dog,
So why do I think I know better?"
(That was a kind thought by the way,
Not a self-judging one,
Then it would miss the point ;)
It’s about that first thought,
Isn't it?
Our mind jumping to conclusions.
As if we have no control.
But we do!
We can become aware of the thoughts
That are unkind and unhelpful
And apply Thought Transformation.
Critical friend coming to visit?
First thought: I don't want to see her.
Thought Transformation:
"An opportunity to practice assertiveness".
Your train delayed?
First thought: Bloody useless service.
Thought Transformation:
"I'll get a coffee and rest on that bench,
A moment to enjoy doing nothing".
I don't mean
To sweep upsetting thoughts
Or challenging feelings
Under the carpet,
Pretending not to be upset.
Not at all.
Sadness, grief, hurt:
Allow it to be.
And then check our mind:
Which conclusions do we draw?
Are they correct? Useful? True?
What would be more helpful to think?
When we train our minds
To become more aware, spacious
More kind, more soft,
We'll feel more peaceful inside.
And we'll radiate this out
For the benefit of everyone we meet.
Photo, with gratitude: PuppyHero via Unsplash.
By the way,
Turns out there are even
Automatic Dog Ball Launchers,
Saves you having to throw too :)
With love,
Would you like a 90min clarity session?
It's that time of the year
When my regular clients
Start to book their summer breaks,
So I've got some space in my diary.
For you, dear Aldo, if you'd like.
The session is 90 minutes long,
You and me together
Via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or phone.
And you'll receive my Inner Journey
Find Your Path - Coaching Course too.
Investment in yourself: £198.
Buy here and I'll get in touch
To arrange a date that suits us both.
If you've wondered for a while
What coaching with me could bring you,
But weren't yet ready for a commitment
To a bigger bundle of sessions,
Then this is your chance.
I'd love to get to know you better.
“Ah, I love this! I was reminded of Martin Seligman’s wisdom “I choose my own thoughts”. Thought Transformation. Thank you!”
“Brilliant, thanks Karin”
“And you can throw much further with one of those things! Beautiful piece - even though that’s a judgment ;) ”