How to mindfully make your important life decisions?
A very easy yet profound technique which I use myself in times of confusion to find my truth.
Confused about what to do? You’ll enjoy this guide for making life decisions aligned with your deepest truth.
You know what I do,
When I don't know my truth?
I listen to the wisdom of my body.
It's incredibly helpful,
Once you've practised a few times.
Let me tell you how:
“When receiving intuitive information through your body, the more you listen, the more you hear.”
Karen Whitaker
Think of a decision you regret
Something that was not a good move.
You might already knew at the time.
Doesn't need to be a major one
Could be recent, or a while ago.
Got one?
Close your eyes
Go back to that moment
As if it's happening right now
And become aware your body.
Notice how it feels.
Which signals is it giving?
Is there a sinking feeling?
Something heavy in your chest?
A nervous flutter in the stomach?
Pressure in your head?
Whatever it might be,
Notice, be aware
Your body knows...
“When you get into the body, it keeps you true.”
Now step two.
Think of a decision you took
That you knew was right.
Go back to that time.
Again, close your eyes
And scan your physical sensations
Listen to your body
What is it telling you?
Is there a lightness?
An opening of the chest?
Flutter of excitement in the belly?
A slight moving forward of the torso?
Witness the wisdom of your body,
Tuning in
To what it wants you to know.
A deep inner yes
Feels lightening, opening, uplifting.
An inner no
Brings sensations of heaviness,
Sinking, tightening.
Knowing how a good decision
Feels like in your body,
And the physical sense of the opposite,
Really helps with
Making those important choices in life.
And here's a decision for you,
A choice to practice with dear fellow Inner Pilgrim.
Would you like coaching with me?"
Cheeky example, I know (smiley face)
But it illustrates the point well.
Hold it in your mind
As if it's already true
As if you've said yes already.
Tune into the sensory experience
Of your body.
And you'll know if it's a no or a yes.
Learning how
To let your inner wisdom speak
Is vital to living a life
True to your heart,
Aligned with your soul.
With love,
PS Reading 'the Empowered Entrepreneur'
By Elizabeth Cairns reminded me
Of this powerful exercise.
“You are a very wise lady. You know in your heart of hearts what is the right decision. It feels right.
I am deciding about various things, it isn’t always easy. Follow your instincts.
We have them for a reason.”