When it's time to let go of control and surrender
Trust and surrender are at the heart of all spiritual paths.
I've been thinking a lot
About control.
About our desire to influence
The course of events.
And about what a nonsense that is…
I am paying attention to
How often I'm manipulating
Events and people to go my way:
What my husband wears,
Where to go on holiday,
Which bathroom tiles to pick.
It's such nonsense
Isn't it...
Our desire to influence
The future.
Such an illusion.
And why?
What makes us
Want to be in control?
I've been watching my mind
When I'm trying to control stuff.
“Just Relax. Nothing is under control.”
Do I honestly think
I know better
What's good for someone else?
Do I truly think
My desired outcome
Will be better and superior
Then any alternative?
Off course I don't.
Yet that's exactly
What my mind
Is trying to convince me of.
So egocentric
So narrow minded
So hilarious :D
We cannot be independent,
As everything is interconnected.
We cannot be in control,
As life decides
When death will come.
“The ultimate act of power is surrender.”
- Krishna Das
Everything changes
All the time.
Hopes and fears
Get scattered in equal measure.
Expectations ruin
What's right in front of us.
I realised I try to control
Because I lack trust.
How about you and trust?
Do we trust our partner
Will feed the kids
And clean the house
If we go away for a weekend?
It might not go our way,
It might not be 'perfect',
But it'll be fine regardless.
Do we trust our colleague
When we ask him or her
To do something?
Or do we quickly double-check
If it's actually done,
And change some bits
To our better liking?
I'm practising
To let be.
To stop interfering.
To let life unfold.
To trust.
I'm not implying
To not take action
When it's needed.
I'm talking about
A deep realisation
That we can't control
Anything or anyone.
Uncountable causes and conditions
Make life unfold
The way it does.
I'm learning to embrace
Whichever way it comes.
And trusting it'll be fine,
Even when it's not.
With love and trust,
Karin ️
And how about you,
What happens
When you stop controlling
And instead, trust and let go?
I'd love to know.