When we feel the love, .... (fill in the dots) happens.


What would you do if you felt free to do anything you wanted?


Recently I'd noticed
A subtle but crucial shift in me.
A feeling of inspiration,
Turning into something I had to do.

A voice in my head:
"It's that time of the week again,
You've got to send your blog/newsletter…"

I've done so for four years.
Never missed a week.
My gift to you.
Me showing up.
A promise I made
Straight from my heart.

I love writing these poems
I love inspiring you
I love the replies you sent me,
Sharing how they impacted you.
I love hearing how you forward them
As they are exactly what your friend
Needed to hear.
I love it when they flow,
Like this one.
I love
I love
I love...

And yet…


That inner voice.
"You've got to send your newsletter".
A joy
Into an item on my to-do list.
That's not the idea
That's not the purpose
That's not how I wish to live.
That's not my message for you
That's not Inner Pilgrim…


What stops you from feeling free: responsabilities, money, the expectations of others?

Those of you who follow
Me on Instagram
Already know
I'm working on
My relationship with money.
Wha :)

Having some therapy sessions
To understand how money
Influences my decisions
My choices
My thoughts
My connections with others.
Ohhhh my goodness
I’ve already learned so much!

My relationship with money
Is about my relationship
With time
With worth
With value
With duty
With power (strange word for me)
With joy
With shame
With equality
With what's pure and what isn't
With spirituality
Or how it clashes with my integrity
With what feels right, and what feels wrong.
With how we treat each other,
So yes, it has to do with love.

I asked you on my Instagram
Who believed they had
A healthy relationship with money.
I don't mean the amount,
I mean how we feel about money.
We can have lots of it
And yet are negatively affected.
We can have hardly any
And feel utterly at peace.

I got one yes.
Everybody else
Said their relationship with money
Was tricky, sticky, complicated.


That's telling isn't it.


What would you do if you felt free to do anything you wanted?

So last week I asked myself
What if I ditch what's negative.
What if I followed joy?
Where do I feel flow?
If I could do whatever I wanted
With my time today,
What would I do?
What if there were no rules?
What if earning money
Was not a factor?

Why on earth
Do we call it
"Making a living"

What if I followed my heart?
No self-imposed or taught beliefs
Of how I should spend
My "working" day?

As the saying goes
"How you live your days
Is how you live your life..."

And I felt it
Bubbling from within:

You know what I ended up doing?
(Instead of sending my newsletter)
I beautified my Instagram highlights :)


You might have thought
I’d go for a Spa day, sleep until noon,
Have pancakes for breakfast!
Not Instagram highlights :D

The thing is,
I am good at self-care,
So my Spa days and pancakes are sorted.

It’s work related
Where I wanted to drop some of my own rules.
Turning my ‘to-do’-list into ‘to-be’.

So I was happily designing,
Recording videos,
Including photos of precious memories,
Fine tuning my brand message.

Gosh I loved it!
I felt creative, joyous, full of love.
That's the vibration I'm after.
That's what inner Pilgrim is:
Reminding people how to love.

And that always includes myself.
Begins with me.
What is the energy I bring?
How's my contribution?
What's the motivation
Behind my actions?
What ripple effect do I create?


So nope, no newsletter/blog last week.
But oh, how am I loving it now
It flows
Feels easy
Brings a smile to my heart.

And please come over
Enjoy my new Instagram highlights
(Those circles at the bottom of my profile)
I'm radiating,
Loving what I made.

May these highlights spread their joy,
Bring magic to this world.
May they inspire you
To live from a place of love
To drop your own rules
To know your soul
To live with love.

Because really,
Why not?

This is our precious life
Let's use it well.

With love, oh yes,


And I guess I need to start thinking
About hiring a Virtual Assistant,
For all the blog building / sharing on social /
Creating the newsletter in the mailing program.

May you feel inspired
To follow what makes you happy.