Make choices that liberate you
How to be true to yourself, in a world that is constantly telling you to be something else.
Could this be the most liberating realisation of your life?
It's May 5th today: Liberation Day
In the Netherlands, my country of birth.
Interesting concept,
Thinking about freedom,
While living in lock-down.
Clients tell me they feel stuck
And unclear how to move forward.
Do you recognise that?
That somewhere along the way
In a relationship, stressful job
Or in the demands of being a parent
You lost yourself.
If you feel trapped in your own life,
Knowing that you are not truly happy
But feel you’re not entitled to think this way,
As your life is so much better than most
(That "I should feel grateful" voice)...
Then let me share with you
The thought that can liberate you:
Life is precious
Make yours meaningful.
Stop wasting your time,
Listen to your heart.
Be true to yourself.
Sad? Allow yourself a god cry.
Tired? Rest.
Don't like your job? Make a plan to quit.
Want to hug your friends?
Think of a creative way to express your love for them.
Life is now, right here
Make yours count
Living is not for after
Has been sorted, fixed and in place.
There will always be something.
Stop waiting for the outside world.
Perfection is an illusion.
I have no magic wand
and I can't promise all will be well.
But I do know that
Making your life meaningful
By being true to yourself
Will release a weight off your shoulders
And liberation starts right there.
With love,
Karin Peeters
Coach & Psychotherapist
Travel Guide to your Soul
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