What makes a fool a fool?
Is this bravery or stupidity?
Those who go against conventionality,
Who dare to follow their heart
Without any guarantees
Are declared a fool by many.
There seems to be a thin line
Between stupid and brave.
Here’s a video of me,
During my two year spiritual sabbatical,
From which I returned seven months ago today!
Many said “I wish I had the courage to do something like that”.
I know it might seem impossible.
But I invite you to really, fully and totally realise the preciousness of life…
Life is precious
make yours meaningful
How many people do you know:
Who quit their job
While a recession is on the cards.
Who left their partner
While everything seems quite alright.
Who refused a regular pay-check
For the dream of being self-employed.
Like the Royals Harry & Meghan,
(Whatever your opinion of them)
We can't deny, and I am amazed,
By their immense courage to
Walk their own path in life.
Being true to yourself is brave.
To risk being seen as a fool
Is incredibly courageous.
Stepping into the unknown
With no guarantees,
Brings confidence for life.
I even dare to say,
Regardless of the outcome:
As having dared to jump,
Is something no-one
Can éver take away.
Embracing Being a single dad?
Travel the World in a hippie van?
Your life is precious.
Live it true.
How about you, dear fellow Inner Pilgrim?
Made some bold moves in life?
Are on the brink of one?
If you have a moment,
Go to the comments below and tell me
I'd love to know.
Inner Pilgrims fully realise
How precious life is.
Come join us to find your path in life,
And enjoy that sense of calm and joy
That comes with living your truth.
With love,
Karin Peeters
Photography, with gratitude: Unsplash.