What do I want to do with my life?
Does figuring out your next step feel like a pressure or a joy?
Enjoy that sense of calm and joy that comes with clarity & direction.
"What's my next step?
I seem to have lost confidence.
I was so good at taking decisions,
Now I am worried
About getting it wrong.
And I feel guilty
For wanting more,
I should feel grateful
What what I've got.
So many have less than me.
I want to know in which direction to go.
Which choice is the right one?
My thoughts are going in a loop,
Like a broken record.
It's exhausting.
Can anyone give me answers,
Please tell me what to do".
Does it sound like that,
Inside your head?
Dear fellow Inner Pilgrim, let me tell you something:
“The indecision, the intensity of your fears and the difficulty to get un-stuck are not signs of failure. They indicate the immensity of the transformation you are currently going through and how profound the break-through will be.”
In order to step into
A new version of yourself
You've got to let go
Of what's no longer serving you.
Beliefs, habits, people, jobs...
It doesn't mean you stopped caring.
It means you've got to say no,
In order to say yes to yourself.
And this can feel very scary!
Let's invite ourselves to
Re-connect with what matters most.
How do we really want to live?
Do we just want to go back,
To how it was before?
Or did we already know for a while,
That things weren't quite right?
It always takes guts
To change course in life.
Does COVID19 or a recession
Make it impossible? Foolish? Dumb?
Who will tell? Time?
This is your life. This is it.
Right now. Right here.
Make yours meaningful.
“This is how I felt when you guided me through a big life decision and helped me to feel empowered. Thank you for what you do and who you are!”
Not sure how,
Or where to start?
That's my job.
The only thing you need
Is the willingness to explore
The possibility of a different,
More joyous way of living.
I have been there before.
My coaching skills
Are like a map, a compass,
I'll bring some snacks along the way.
Inner Pilgrims fully realise
How precious life is.
Gain clarity on your next step
And enjoy that sense of calm and joy
That comes with clarity & direction.
With love,
Karin Peeters
Coach & Psychotherapist
Travel Guide to your Soul
Photo’s and text with gratitude: Unsplash.
Your next step
Create your Inner Compass,
it’s our gift to you.