About that fear of ours....
Who dares to join me face our fears?
Why do some people say
"When you know what you want
Everything becomes so easy.
Life just flows...."
I don't know about you,
But from my experience
This does not apply.
Miraculously manifesting
Doesn't really work for me.
Following my heart is often hard
A path with lots of hurdles,
Letting go,
Especially when what I'm pursuing
Is important to me.
To me,
That's where the real coaching starts.
At that point of obstacles.
Where the going gets tough.
When external hurdles needs managing,
And inner saboteurs transformed,
Habits investigated,
Thoughts checked for validity,
Feelings healed.
When lock-down started I spoke about
This virus being an 'invitation'
To face our demons in this blog.
Which demons are coming up for you?
You know what I mean dear fellow Inner Pilgrim,
Stuff that has been unsettling for a while,
Which we now can no longer ignore.
Is our job fulfilling?
Our relationship OK?
Living distant from family worth it?
Our eating & drinking habits healthy?
Our confidence
Depending on external reassurance?
Money seen as abundant or scarce?
If these things wobbled a little before
Big chance there's no hiding now.
I believe that as Coach & Psychotherapist
We can only journey with others
As far as we ourselves
Have dared to travel..
So…. I’m going to face my own fears.
I thought I'd nailed this one already,
But a new level has surfaced
With 'gratitude' to COVID19.
It's a biggie,
This particular fear of mine.
With me since (almost) forever,
Can't imagine life without it.
I'm nervous,
Yet also incredibly grateful
For the opportunity
To let stuff go
That is no longer serving me.
You're probably curious now
To find out about this fear of mine.
But it's too raw, too early
To share with you here...
Thank you for understanding.
Will you join me,
Facing our fears together?
We can do this,
Befriending our demons
Standing tall
Close your eyes
What's the fear
You'd like to let go of?
And what's one step
You dare to take, right now,
In your journey to inner freedom.
I believe in you.
We're more courageous
Than we think.
With love as always,
Once more a link to the previous blog
About the invitation of COVID19
To face our demons.
And Module Six of Crossroads
Is all about overcoming our fears
And feeling that immense relief
That comes with letting go of
What is no longer serving us.
Photography, with gratitude: Unsplash.