Decisions to take but feeling stuck?
How to move forward when you've got choices to make in life, but conflicting parts of you make you feel stuck?
Conflicting needs, wants or desires
Which are co-existing inside of us
At the same time,
Make us feel stuck and
Unfortunately can result in self-sabotage.
It's so tricky isn't it:
When faced with an important decision:
Shall we go for it, or not? Yes or no?
What I hear a lot lately, is if
We dare to let the pandemic inspire us
To follow our hearts even more?
Or are we too worried about
Tough economic times
And is it better to play safe?
But you know what?
If you recognise this internal battle
You would experience inner conflict anyway.
Regardless of a virus, recession or whatever.
The conflict is not out there,
It is within.
Two opposing part of us
Are striving who's the boss:
Head or heart?
Security or happiness?
Pleasing others or listening to myself?
Inner critic or The Real Me?
With my clients
I talk about who's the driver
Of the car that journeys us through life.
Is fear behind the wheel?
What does that mean for our decisions?
And where does that leave
Our free, trusting side:
Shouting, locked inside the trunk?
Left behind several hundred miles back?
The idea is for these two polarities
To become friends.
Working together for your benefit.
Not fighting each other,
Which only results
In being stuck, doing nothing.
In part five of Crossroads
We work on this internal conflict
Between our head and heart.
Making sure we take our decisions
Based on confidence, wisdom and love.
Powerful stuff for the rest of our life.
From being stuck to feeling free
Let’s dare to take decisions based on what we deep inside believe is most true to ourselves.
And thank you for the kind words
When I told you last week
I was going to look at my own fears.
Out of many things
It made me realise even more
How brave you are dear fellow Inner Pilgrim.
For considering talking to me,
For contemplating coaching,
For already working together,
For having had therapy in the past.
It's courageous.
And I hope you agree
A lot less scary than anticipated :)
I'm so relieved I started
Exploring my own fears in a new depth.
It's such a sacred gift to myself
And to those I love.
To you too,
As I will be able to guide you
Even more sincerely,
Because I'm continuing
To do my own bit
On this journey called life.
With love,
Once more a link to the previous blog
About facing our fears together
In order to feel even more free.
And Module Five of Crossroads
Is all about making sure
We take decisions
From a place of confidence.
Photography, with gratitude: Unsplash.