Spiritual teachings on happiness while you sleep
My dream with spiritual teacher Ravi Shankar from last night will make your heart smile, big time!
Let me tell you about my dream.
Not a "what’s your dream for your life",
But an actual dream
That I had last night, while vast asleep.
I dreamt about a spiritual teacher
Whom I met at his ashram in India,
His name is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
He was going to give
A teaching on how to be happy.
So I was all like "I want to hear that,
A teaching on happiness, yes please!"
So in my dream
I was full of anticipation,
Ready to hear his wisdom...
“The mind has two abilities – one is to focus, the other is to expand and relax.”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
He sat there,
Drank some tea,
Seemed to gaze in the distance.
Let out a big content sigh.
Took another zip of tea.
Nestled himself
A bit more comfortably in his seat.
He was quiet, did not speak,
Smiled at the people around him.
He enjoyed another zip of tea.
And then it seemed finished.
He smiled at me.
And I realised
Huh? The teaching is finished?
He did not speak a word?
I thought he was supposed
To teach us about happiness?
“Do not hurt anyone, for the Divine dwells in every heart.”
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar -
And then the realisation hit me.
Right there in my dream:
"Oh my goodness
Yes off course,
That was the teaching!"
I laughed in my dream.
The way spiritual teachers teach,
Goes way beyond words…
Gosh, I was smiling
What a wonderful dream.
I got it.
I hope you got it too.
Just be,
My dear fellow Inner Pilgrim.
When you have a tea, have a tea
Be present
At ease
Just relax...
Right there, in that moment,
All is well.
Happiness is right there.
And right here is a heart-felt blog
About how to understand
The deeper meaning
Of your own dreams:
Go gently, dear one.
It’s been rough sailing
Find your safe port
And rest.
I wish you well.
With love,
“Beautiful dream Karin”
“Lovely dream Karin”
“Wowwww what a dream!”