How to speak with compassion?
Words can heal or hurt. Use these mindfulness practises to use your speech skillfully and compassionately.
'Before you speak,
Let your words pass
Through three gates:
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?'
— A Sufi Saying.
We talk so much...
Everyone has an opinion
And we all want to be heard.
How can we train our speech,
To use it for the benefit of all?
Is politics rotten?
Do you fight an illness?
Is cooking and cleaning a chore?
Is your job killing you?
Is chemo poison?
Is your child a nightmare?
Words are powerful stuff,
Aren't they?
Me personally, I do not believe That "words don't hurt".
I am convinced that
How we use our speech has consequences.
For the other, and for ourselves.
This compassionate
Buddhist mindfulness practise
Trains our speech
To bring good to this world.
I invite you,
Pick one of this list.
Each of them prevents causing harm
With our words,
And try it for a day:
No lying (it simply destroys trust)
No slander (it creates division)
No harsh words (it hurts)
No idle gossip (it wastes time)
Let us be mindful of what comes out
From the gate of our mouth.
“Beautiful… ”
Let us use words wisely.
Let us speak with positive language.
Let us talk kindly.
Let us be the change we wish
To see in this world.
"Knowing that words
Can create happiness or suffering,
Let us cultivate loving speech
And compassionate listening
In order to relieve suffering
And to promote peace in ourselves
And among others."
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Before we speak,
Check the three gates:
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?
Before we speak,
Check the three gates:
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?
Skillful speech:
It is spoken at the right time.
It is spoken in truth.
It is spoken affectionately.
It is spoken beneficially.
It is spoken with a mind of loving-kindness.
- Buddha Shakyamuni -
Let us watch our speech,
When anger manifests
Let's be determined not to speak.
We can choose to use words that inspire
Confidence, joy, and hope.
And use our speech for the good.
With love from my "home-cation",
Karin xxx
Feeling heard by those who challenge us
And taking in what they are saying,
Can be hard.
For One-to-One Coaching Sessions
To learn how to speak and listen
With skill and compassion,
Leave your details here,
And I'll get in touch
For a free Discovery Call.
Read more about online courses
And one-to-one coaching sessions.
Photos, with gratitude: Unsplash.