When I open up to my inner world... will it make me feel worse?
Or will it feel like a huge weight has fallen off my shoulders?
"When I open up to what's inside of me,
Will it make me feel worse?"
It's a common unspoken question
During the free Discovery Calls
I have with potential new clients.
If I pause, and allow myself to feel...
What will come up?
Will the emotions wash over me
Like a wave?
Will I be able to cope?
A fear of opening Pandora's Box
And not knowing what will come out.
Will it be worth it?
Let me reassure you
Receiving coaching or therapy
Will not cause you to feel out of control.
On the contrary,
My clients describe feeling huge relief,
A weight lifted of their shoulders,
And wished they reached out sooner.
Having said that,
Talking about what's going on for you
Might not instantly make you feel better.
Connecting with the deeper layers
Can cause old hurt or anger to surface.
But the magic is in the word old.
It was there already anyway,
Hidden, avoided, suppressed, numbed.
But there nonetheless.
When we let it come to the surface,
In a safe, guided and supported way,
It can be healed, transformed, dissolved.
Having done this work for since 2008
I can reassure you:
The fear of the fear is worse
Than the 'thing' itself.
Psychology calls it anticipatory fear:
A worry about
An imagined future situation
Perceived as an unpredictable threat.
Yet once you reach out
And no longer need to face it alone
You're taking your life
In your own hands again.
And that brings the opportunity
To steer it towards new possibilites.
With love and courage,
My online course Find Your Path
Is a wonderful Inner Journey
About being kinder to yourself
Befriending difficult emotions,
Defining your own path in life
And to walk it with confidence.
“Very well said Karin! I remember that ‘anticipatory fear’ of opening ‘Pandora’s Box’, in 1997 from when I was 32. This was before I saw my first, in fact, very gentle therapist.”