Just kind of drifted
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." - Oscar Wilde
Life is só precious,
People die...
People are being born...
Right now,
And now,
And now.
So surreal.
And here you are,
With your wild and precious life
What do you want to do with it?
Time passes
Before you know it,
Another year passed,
Another birthday came and went.
Some of us get a 'wake-up call'
In the form of illness,
Bereavement, a break-up
Or redundancy.
Does it really need to take
A crumbling of 'life as we knew it'
Before we truly understand?
Do we need to hit our head
So hard,
In order to get the message?
“Your message is beautiful as ever.”
How about you?
Many of you have made
A big shift in the past.
Adjusted course and
Tried to become more aligned
With who we truly wish to be.
Dear fellow Inner Pilgrim (yes you :)
Drop me a line,
What made you change your life?
I'd love to know.
And yet life continues to challenge us.
Are we really sure we are still
On the right track?
Or have we fallen asleep again?
Tell yourself honestly,
Are you living fully or
Are you just kind of drifting?
Thank you for this post.
My change: from being an unhappy teaching assistant, to rediscovering my art and painting!
Keep well, E.
I know it's hard
To be true to our soul.
Often we don't even know
What it is that we truly want.
But please,
This is it.
Life is no general rehearsal.
Your existence is not a trial run.
Your life is now.
Your heart is beating now.
Use it well.
Don't waste your life,
Make it count.
I don't mean grand gestures
Of being famous or
Earning millions.
I simply mean joy,
Peace of mind.
I am talking about love.
Love for yourself,
For others,
For life itself.
Don't wait until (more) disaster strikes.
Right now.
What is one small step
You can take
That brings you closer
To being truly happy?
Just 1% closer.
When you do your 1%
That will make you feel so good,
You'll do another 1%,
And another.
Shining more and more
Along the way.
Inspiring others
To do the same.
Go for it.
I believe in you.
With love and life,
Appreciate a helping hand along the way
To help you find out what you really want?
I'd be honoured.
Leave your details here
For a free Discovery Call.