The four types of rest all of us need
There are four different types of tiredness, and each has their own solution to get our energy levels back up.
Did you know there are
Four different types of tiredness,
And that they each have their own
Specific remedy?
Feeling exhausted is so common
That it has its own acronym:
Which stands for "tired all the time".
Everyone feels tired from time to time.
The reasons are obvious:
Long hours at work
A baby keeping you up at night
Or too many late nights...
But prolonged
And unexplained tiredness
Can take our joy away.
Learn how to recognise
The four types of tiredness,
And apply their unique remedy,
The types of rest we all need,
To restore our energy levels.
An ongoing lack of energy
Isn’t always fixed by more sleep.
Because sleep and rest are not the same thing,
Although many of us incorrectly confuse the two.
We can be physically tired,
And spiritually.
Each has their own type of rest.
Four types of tiredness - and their corresponding type of rest
Physical tiredness
Mental tiredness
Emotional tiredness
Spiritual tiredness
One: Physical tiredness
Caused by hard physical labor,
Intense exercise,
Or from not sleeping enough.
Sluggishness, “brain fog,”
Difficulty making decisions,
And irritability.
Sleep, rest, a warm bath
And lots of relaxation.
Two: Emotional tiredness
Typically brought on by
Stressful situations like
Relationship friction,
A period of stress or grief,
A time of anxiety and worry,
Feelings of resentment,
Or taking care of an ill loved one.
“And just because You carry it well,
Doesn’t mean It isn’t heavy”
- Author Unknown
Feeling like you have nothing left to give
And your mood is quite low.
A decreased motivation,
And a feeling of lack of control
Are common symptoms too.
Take some time off if you can.
Have a good cry.
Long walks in nature.
Cut down on people pleasing.
Be real and express your feelings honestly.
Be around positive and supportive people.
And you may benefit from the support
Of a professional to help heal
And explore long-term lifestyle changes.
“Do not confuse my bad days as a sign of weakness. Those are actually the days I am fighting my hardest.”
Three: Mental tiredness
The human brain simply
Is not designed to maintain
Ceaseless focus all day, every day.
Many of us feel like we have to be “on”
All the time and therefore push ourselves
To focus beyond our natural capacity.
An inability to concentrate,
That sense of a fog in our head,
Feeling “flat” and uninspired,
Being physically present,
But our thoughts are elsewhere.
Problems seem impossible to overcome,
And problems with short-term memory.
Disconnect from the world
(Including the screens) for a while.
Delegate work.
Enjoy a hobby,
Something that does not engage
Your thinking brain.
Cut down on sensory input,
Like bright lights, computer screens,
Background noise and multiple conversations:
Withdraw from this over-stimulating world.
Try meditative practices
Such as breathing meditation,
Yoga (like Yin Yoga) or Tai Chi.
Schedule short breaks thoughout the day,
To remind your brain to slow down.
“I feel like
I am already tired
- Unknown
Four: Spiritual tiredness
If you persistently feel
Like something is “missing,”
Purpose exhaustion may be the culprit.
We might ignore our feelings,
Labelling them as a form of ingratitude,
But this can deplete our spirit.
Because that soft inner whisper
That tells us something is not quite right,
Might actually be telling our truth.
Feeling like you are just existing,
Going through life on auto-pilot,
A sense of emptiness and
Not really living life fully.
Anything that helps you get back in touch
With yourself again.
Engage with something bigger than yourself,
Like prayer, meditation
Or volunteering in the community.
Take a sabbatical to travel,
Go study something you love,
Take on a creative hobby,
Pursue a more fulfilling career,
Be honest about what's missing in your life
And be true to your heart.
Which type of tiredness
Do you recognise most?
May these four types of rest
Help you, dear fellow Inner Pilgrim
To be more kind and gentle with yourself
And restore your energy levels
In a stable, lasting way.
With love,
Karin ❤️
I am no doctor,
So don't take these writings as
Medical advice,
But as a love-note
Straight from my heart.
Source: Four types of tiredness inspired by "Kamal Sarma".
“Love this, thank you.”
“I needed this! What a great piece. Tonight I am going to do nothing. By which I mean knitting on the sofa far away from my laptop :)”
“Thank you for your writings. Bless your soul.”