Saying the unspoken.
How to hold two seemingly opposite truths within one’s heart.
Could this pandemic be a curse and a blessing? Could be it the source of unbearable suffering and yet bring opportunities for goodness?
Would it be allowed, despite the pain,
To appreciate certain aspects
Of this pandemic?
Or would that make us
Bad, insensitive people
As many suffer so much?
Not appreciating the pandemic itself,
Causing pain and hardship for most.
But could it bring opportunities also?
With the risk of upsetting people
I decided to publish this blog anyway.
Bear with me dear fellow Inner Pilgrim,
As I have a point to make here.
I believe that a big open heart
Can hold two opposite opinions
While both are true at the same time.
We can love being someone's carer
While missing our freedom.
We can feel good about supporting a friend
While we preferred some time alone.
We can adore our partner
While hating their depression.
Can we see certain aspects of this pandemic as Opportunities for meaningful change,
While feeling deep compassion
For all the suffering it causes?
Can we?
“Beautiful reflection on how we can look at this saddening situation with different eyes, thank you.”
Are we allowed to appreciate
Less demands on us,
Less social commitments,
Less full-on intensity because
The entire family can't meet together.
(Trust me, not everyone will miss
The huge Christmas family party!)
Less commuting to work,
The community coming together,
The breather for the planet.
A ready-made excuse:
"Ah you know, can't come,
Lock-down you see...."
More outdoors,
A slower pace of life,
Just... simpler.
A ready-made excuse:
"Ah you know, can't come,
Lock-down you see...."
While at the same time
Feeling deep grief
For those who lost their jobs,
Are hungry or lonely,
Fearful to get Covid,
Or to pass it to someone they love.
Work under unbelievable stress,
Those who lots their family and friends,
Doctors and nurses suffering from PTST.
For those suffering from domestic abuse,
Struggle with their mental health,
Who don't know when they
Can ever stop shielding...
Is that possible? Is that allowed?
“Respectfully written about the big contrasts in life. it’s so hard while we are hurting, but in darkness there is an OPPORTUNITY to find light.”
Is that possible? Is that allowed?
Or is saying we appreciate
Certain aspects of this pandemic
And the opportunities it might bring,
Like cursing in the church?
Does it make us a bad person,
Totally insensitive?
Can our hearts
Expand so widely
That we can hold it all?
That there is no either-or,
But just a huge, wide, spacious
All embracing kindness
In which everything
Is allowed to exist?
Sending lots of love,
And yes please,
A quick recovery from
This pandemic.
And who knows,
Not a return to "normal"
But the emergence of
A new way of life.
Stay safe and lots of love,
Photos, with gratitude Unsplash.
“This one spoke to me deeply. It gave me language to express the confusing inner conflict I’ve been feeling about holding many opposing feelings simultaneously.
Your presence in my inbox is a great source of comfort and strength to me. ”