When it hurts.... How to turn struggle into compassion?
Which doesn't mean we can't have a bad day and a good cry.
Buddhist wisdom on taking hardship onto your spiritual path.
We all go through tough times in our life.
How to cope when life gives us a hard time? How to carry it in a way that brings meaning to the struggle?
One way or another, we’ve all been affected by the corona-virus pandemic: being unable to see our loved ones, fear for the health & mental well-being of ourselves or those we love, financial worries, being bored at home or facing the relentless anxiety and pressure of being at the front line.
All such valid concerns
And my heart goes out to you.
Our hardship doesn’t need to be
Meaningless or pointless.
When we dedicate our efforts to cope
To all those who are in a similar situation,
All of a sudden there’s a lightness,
A connectedness and even
A purpose to our situation.
In this video I explain how we can expand our thoughts.
And how we can use our suffering to open our hearts more widely, and connect more deeply to all other beings.
This way of thinking changes our mind-set from a place of pain and suffering,
To an opening of the mind and heart to carry our struggle with grace,
For the benefit of all who are in a similar situation.
“Our hearts awaken as we let ourselves be touched by the suffering within and around us.”
- Tara Brach
“Breathe in suffering.
Breathe out compassion.”
Curious to find information regarding the practice:
Look up "aspiration prayers"
Or "Tonglen - the practice of giving and taking".
These are Buddhist practices,
But I am pretty certain
They exist in many different
Religious and spiritual belief systems.
With love,
Are you new to Inner Pilgrim?
Then I’d love to invite you
To start your Inner Journey
With a gift:
Ideal for finding clarity and direction
For your next step in life.
“And you did it again, what a beautiful message.”
“Lovely video, thank you. ”