Letting go of what's no longer serving you
"Meditation is a skillful letting go, gently but with resolution"
- Ajahn Sumedho
Previous weekend
I looked into a mirror in which
I saw myself fully, without filter.
I attended an online meditation retreat
Three days on a cushion.
How do I share with you
How meaningful that is to me?
It reveals my inner world
Shows emotions which are disturbing
To my own or others' balance.
It discloses where I get it wrong.
And I know that might sound unpleasant
But it's such a relief.
Because when I know
What's causing me trouble
(And guess what,
It's rarely the "outside" that's to blame)
I can do something about it.
“Beautiful message, and your website is simply stunning!”
This might give the impression
That I believe we need "fixing"
Or that we need to "change".
I don't mean it like that though.
I believe we are all intrinsically good
That our soul shines through at all times.
But we've simply gathered
Some unhelpful beliefs
Along the way, on this journey called life.
And those beliefs cause behaviours
Which are no longer serving us.
The good news is,
We can un-learn these habits.
Meditation is like cleaning a cup.
A cup always has the quality of spotlessness,
The dirt is added and can be removed.
Meditation is like cleaning a cup.
A cup always has the quality of spotlessness,
The dirt is added and can be removed.
Meditation helps me see my clean cup
Plus the stains that are not serving me.
Removing them brings such peace.
A sense of ease...
And a feeling of liberation.
When something un-beneficial is lifted,
It brings a tremendous playful joy.
Simply said,
Meditating brings me happiness.
I share a Buddhist meditation
In this recent blog
To open our heart.
It's about four immeasurable qualities
Which nourish
Our deepest drive as humans:
With loving care,
I so often hear that my voice is soothing,
Which is kind of weird to accept :)
Here is a series of Guided Meditations,
Recorded by me,
To help you re-connect with what matters most.
Photography, with gratitude: Unsplash