Your best is always good enough
What would life be like if we simply believed that everyone is doing the best they can?
What would it be like
If we believed
That people do their best?
And I mean all people,
Also the ones we can't stand.
And also if their best
Doesn't look good enough to us at all.
Like when the plumber breaks
The boiler even more.
Or when the children
Refuse to do their home-schooling.
And when the lawyer or Wi-Fi company
Doesn't call like they said they would.
What if....
We believe
That they are doing their best?
That wherever they are at,
This is the best they can do right now.
Do you want to know
The funny part?
If we make a scratch
On someone's brand new car,
It is surely a mistake.
While if someone damages our property
They are terribly reckless.
When we change our mind,
It is our right to do so.
While others who pull out
Of our house sale are horrible people.
And if we forget to call
Somebody back,
(You get where I am going with this)
Surely they'd understand
We are simply busy
And have more important
Things on our mind.
Why do we operate
On different standards?
When someone "does it to me"
It is outrageous,
A personal attack.
They have to pay the damages,
Get fired,
Gossiped about.
They should realise how wrong they are.
Yet when we "do it to them"
Surely everyone can see
That we did not do it on purpose,
Intending no harm,
That we are good people!
What if
We start living
Believing people are doing their best.
And that sometimes
Our best
Looks like a no-show,
A broken promise,
Stuff that got damaged,
Feelings that got hurt.
Because really....
The amount of people
Who do things like this on purpose,
You know, with malicious intent,
And with a desire to cause harm
Is really very, very small.
Most of the time
We are just humans.
Who are getting things wrong,
Messing stuff up,
Letting each other down.
I am not saying
We should condone wrong actions.
Or that we should not speak up
When we feel our boundaries
Are being over-stepped.
Definitely speak our truth,
And leave when things don't improve.
But see what happens when we believe
That wherever they are at
They are doing what they can.
Even when their best
Doesn't feel good enough to us.
So next time when our best
Is actually a little bit lousy,
The other might understand
And be kind and gentle with us too.
Together let's make this world
A kinder place.
So we can all feel a little lighter
As we travel through life.
With love as always,
For those of us who can use
An uplifting lockdown mantra:
"I am doing my best
And that is always enough."
“Thank you, dearest Karin.
Needed that this morning.”
“What a beautiful idea! I really love this, and it is so true. It is so easy to feel slighted, wronged and cheated! Will try and be kinder in my heart.”
“Beautiful and very useful!”