Your Word for 2022
Together let’s focus on what matters most.
Life is precious. Live it true.
Many of us want more depth, more fulfilment and ultimately to feel lighter on the journey as we navigate through our every day.
But how?
Should we set goals for 2022,
Make New Years resolutions?
Not sure about you,
But I ain't playing :)
Not doing it.
Let's set an intention instead,
(I’ll tell you below why that is so utterly different to a goal)
To help us focus on what matters most.
A deep, connected, inspired,
Nourishing, heart-felt intention
Of how to be in 2022.
It’s simple. Email me Your Word for the year,
And I will send you five emails throughout 2022
Specifically related to Your Word
At turning points throughout the year
To make sure you remain connected.
This is a one year gift from me
Towards your personal intention for the year.
Your Word for the New Year
Or email to hello [at], and throughout the year I will remind you, to help you focus on what matters most.
“Intention is the core of all conscious life.”
- Hsing Yun -
Why I do this?
Because Inner Pilgrim is about re-connecting with what matters most.
You know,
I do have dreams, wishes and desires.
I have hopes and aspirations.
But the thing is....
I believe we try
To control life too much.
We are less good at surrendering.
The approach to life
Of working hard, making stuff happen,
Doing, doing, doing
Is so common-place nowadays.
How about opening up to receive?
Letting go in order to create space for the new?
Trusting things to unfold in their own time?
We find it so awkward, so difficult.
Our tendency is to control, act, do
In order to make life go 'our way'.
And of the many lessons of the pandemic,
Controlling life to get it 'our way'
Had to make space for
'Accepting and embracing what is'.
So together, at the start of 2022
Let's do it differently.
Let's not set goals.
(She said very rebelliously).
Let's do something else
Potentially even more powerful.
Like to join me?
What is the difference between setting a goal and an intention?
Your Word for the New Year
The difference between
A goal and an intention?
A goal is about the end-destination,
And only if we reach it,
Celebrating is allowed.
An intention is about the journey,
It's how we wish to feel,
Every step of the way.
So a goal is to loose 5 pounds (just over 2kg)
An intention is to feel good in our own skin.
A goal is to get a new job.
An intention is to be happy at work.
Got it?
Let's do this thing :)
"Your Word for 2022":
So right now, right here,
I invite you to do this:
Sit still, close your eyes and
Breathe into your heart centre.
Re-connect with what brings you joy.
What matters most to you in life?
How do you wish to feel, to be?
Then email what came up to
hello [at],
Or use the form at the top of this page.
And throughout the year
I will be reminding you
With gentle unexpected nudges,
To make sure we navigate life while
Staying connected to our soul.
With love,
No charge, just me inspiring you,
And together we'll focus
On what matters most in the year ahead.
“I always enjoy reading your newsletter. It feels like you know what we need to focus on.”
“Lovely idea!”
“Thank you Karin! I love your newsletters. This initiative is very motivating.”
“Thank you - it’s so beautiful to be part of this.”
“How nice! My word is growth.”
“My mantra for the New Year is to stay in my body, here and now, from moment to moment, and trust it to guide me.”
“I always love your emails and they do actually inspire me, or make me pause for a second, so thank you for that - I am still super grateful I have worked with you in the past. My word is TRUST.”
“I felt so inspired, I even made a Mood / Vision Board from My Word for the new year, which is all about inner peace!”
“I love this!! Thank you so much, this is very kind and generous of you.
Here is my mantra for the year:
You are MORE than good enough :)
Notice the little but oh so big addition?”